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BGA Rework
Desoldering, soldering, residual solder removal on flat panel TV PCB.
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CSP Rework on Mobile Phones
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BGA Reballing
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Rework of GPU
Typical process steps of CPU/GPU rework. This includes pre-inspection, board preparation, profiling de-soldering the component, residual solder removal, reballing, special processes such as solder paste printing or dispensing, soldering the new/reworked component and finally the follow-up optical inspection.
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Contactless Residual Solder Removal
Contactless solder removal (site dressing) showing alignment of tool and component, application of flux and the removal process.
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01005 Small Passives Rework
Process camera video: desoldering of 01005 small passive with small gap.
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Single Ball Reballing
Process camera video: removing a solder ball bridge in a BGA
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QFN desoldering
Process camera video: removing a QFN component.
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PoP Rework
Process camera video: Active clamping soldering head for rework of PoP stacked components.
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QFN Rework
Direct Component Printing of QFN or MLF. No additional reflow process for solder transfer onto the component necessary. Minimum heat load to component. QFN rework in OEM quality!
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µBGA Desoldering
Process camera video: Desoldering a µBGA component.